Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Back in the Saddle

Well, a few days ago, I started to work out again with vigor, in hopes of possibly completing a half marathon along with my wife in May. Note, we had this same enthusiasm last year in 2008 after our Biggest Loser competition, but we didn't follow through on it. But this year, my wife is determined to see this challenge through till the end. I'm getting on-board to not only provide moral support for her, but for my own personal benefit too.

The only problem, I don't really care for running, at least running on a treadmill that is. A few days ago, I pushed myself to my limit, doing intervals of running/walking, and got my heart rate up to 170 bpm. It was really moving. Today, I pushed myself again to the limit, and ran for 20 minutes straight without stopping! Heart rate was 177. Is it possible to be lean (except for this spare tire around my waist) and still be out of shape? Absolutely.

I've got 3 months. After today, I feel that I just might be able to accomplish this goal. I just have to keep this up, and have to keep pushing myself near or beyond my limits every day. Unfortunately, I like to train with music, and you are not allowed to use headphones during the race. I haven't yet decided what the ideal training path should be, but don't want to get into a zone of running with music, but then can't fall back in that zone during the race.

It seems like a long, hard battle, but I know I'll be better for it in the end.

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