Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No Pain, No Gain...Um No Way

There's that old adage, "No Pain, No Gain." But, that doesn't sound fun. Today during my run, I started to get a sharp pain in my right calf about halfway through. At that point, I decided to ease down, and end the workout since I didn't want to strain any of my muscles any further. I had run about 2.3 miles, short of my 3 mile goal, but at the same time, you can't train if you're injured. I was doing a hill-setting on the treadmill, running about 6.3 mph when I started to notice the pain, so perhaps it was just too much too fast, and was my body's way of telling me to back off. So I did.

I also really started to stretch for the first time after my 4 mile run yesterday too, so perhaps I just put too much stress on that calf muscle. Now, it's not that I can't walk, or have a limp, it's just that my right calf muscle feels very tight, even well after the workout. So, I'll give it a couple of days to heal and will begin again.

The run was particularly hard today since I felt as if I had the weight of the world on my shoulders, and just couldn't let it go. I was also tired, after only getting about 5 hours sleep (stress will do that), so all in all, it just wasn't a good day. Temperatures are supposed to warm into the mid 50s the next couple of days. While that sounds like a great opportunity to get out on some local trails here in Omaha, I'll just have to take it easy and definitely not overdo it.

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