Monday, July 20, 2009

Last PT Visit

Today was my last PT visit I think.  After the Okoboji HM yesterday, my knee is a little sore, but essentially, I believe that additional PT visits won't be that productive.  I know what to do and how to manage the pain.  Although, I may consider purchasing a home-use ultrasound unit, as I feel that really helps to knock out the inflammation, on a microscopic cellular level.  They seem to be somewhat affordable, and given my recent experience with no-pain runs after the ultrasound therapy, it's worth a shot.  I also opted to get fitted for custom orthotics today. The PT feels that it would only help, to make sure that my feet are in proper alignment, which will help with any pains I might have elsewhere.  Plus, insurance will cover 85% of the cost, so I might as well take advantage of that benefit while I've got the chance.  The orthotics used here are made by Sole Supports and utilize the MASS approach (Maximum Arch Supination Stablization).  I think they will really help me in the long run, and are worth a shot in my opinion.

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