Sunday, March 7, 2010

Now My Blisters Have Blisters

Using the combination of athletic tape and moleskin taped over my arch blisters worked out very well. On my 18.2 mile run today, my arches did not hurt at all thankfully. However, now I have blisters on my right foot where the tape seams were located. So I have blisters as a result of my blisters. Ei Yi Yi! What next? On the bright side, the blister on top of my toe did OK. I managed to paint it with a few layers of liquid bandage last night, which helped to seal it tight, and I also managed to get a corn pad to stick this morning before putting on my shoe. It may have bled a drop or two, but overall, did great.

I can't say the same for my knee though. Last week after my 16 mile long run, I had a lot of knee pain the next couple of days. It was the same old pain that I had during the Vegas Marathon. I think I've reached my limit of combining speed workouts and increasing my distance. I'm on the verge of breaking myself again, likely a result of a tight ITB. I've been stretching really well, and the mid week runs felt great though. But, near the end of my 18.2 mile run today, I knew I had pushed it too far. I ran 15 of the 18.2 at marathon pace, (it feels better during the run if I run faster), but I'll pay for it after the run. The last 3 miles were kind of a death march, so I definitely went "too" far. Ugh. I did find a way to swing my leg in a circular motion though to help prevent the pain, but I fear the damage has been done.

On a bright note, even though I may have "broken" my knee again, I did manage to break my weekly mileage personal record with 51 miles. Yay me? Hmm.

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