Saturday, March 20, 2010

On Fire...

I'm on my 42nd running day in a continuous streak. That's amazing, and my speeds are finally starting to improve a little. I've had some pangs in my right knee over the last couple of weeks, but I've learned how to manage it so it doesn't get any worse. Icing, stretching, NSAIDs, ultrasound, it's all working. But, the beating on my body will only continue. My spring marathon is in 6 weeks. So about 3 to 4 more weeks of solid training, and then the taper begins. I do have a half marathon in mid April in Abilene, KS, and am hoping to at least get a PR out of that. Ideally, my half marathon goal is 1:50 so I can get a seeded corral at the Chicago marathon this fall, but I've got 2 more chances after the April race to reach that. After looking at my running log this morning, I noticed that I've run 66.6 miles over the previous 7 days, and 215 miles over the previous 30 days. That's pretty amazing!

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