Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Love/Hate Relationship with New Shoes

I decided to break in a new pair of shoes today since my current shoes have about 500 miles on them, and my knees were starting to hurt during the runs with them. A few months ago, I bought a couple more pair of my current shoe when they went on clearance, and they've been sitting on the shelf in storage. Today was the day to break out a new pair.

The shoes are Wave Rider 12s. This will be 4th pair of this same model of shoe, so in theory, there shouldn't have been a problem. Same shoe, and it should have worked out perfectly. But, after a 16 mile run today in the new shoes, I've got huge blisters on both feet on my arch. So, was it the shoes, or was it the combination of running on a snow/ice covered trail which changed my running gait, and also that my feet got soaked since I stepped in some fairly deep puddles toward the end of the run when I was tired and making stupid mistakes. I'm not sure, but they're fairly painful. This should be fun.

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