Thursday, December 31, 2009

Psychologically Bouncing Back

My most recent marathon attempt was only 3 1/2 weeks ago, and since then, I've been battling an leg injury.  I initially thought it might have been an ITB issue, but now, am thinking it might be a tibialis anterior (shin) issue.  Who knows.  Marathon training is supposed to begin, and that's already delayed.  I know I've got upcoming races scheduled, and the thought of delaying my training any longer is torture.  Psychologically, it's hard to bounce back, knowing what you've accomplished, and knowing how much a simple little injury can set you back.  I've got to find a way to balance it all, learning to accept the fact that if I'm injured, I need the necessary time to recover.  At the same time, a runner needs to run.  Even though I've been logging miles over the last few weeks (to make sure I meet my minimum 100 mile per month goal), I wouldn't really call it running, or at least it's not satisfying my psychological need. I don't know why, but that psychological need is strong in me, even though I'm not a fast runner.  It's just proof that even a slow runner needs to run.


  1. I am getting a Garmin 205 GPS on Tuesday and saw this. I may keep following to see what happens. I ran a 1/2 marathon in September 2008 and with the GPS, I will get serious again.

    Also, great Web Log. Really looks good.

  2. Hey Waldoguy - I got here from your post on RWOL. I also just qualified for MM by doing 3 in 3 months #2050). I have run 5 so far and am also looking at my Spring schedule. I have battled a ton of injuries since I started marathon training at the end of 2007. My advice is to start doing some serious hip strengthening exercises. Most of the injuries I have dealt with (achilles, calf, ITBS) have all been releated in some way to muscle imbalances/weakness in the hip area. RW recently published a good article on this as well. I bet if you started with this and some core work you would beat your injury issues pretty quickly. Good luck!
