Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Day Run

I decided to not run in any of the local Turkey races or fun runs today, only because I was working the midnight shift, and I felt I needed to get a nap in during the morning before we had our huge midday Thanksgiving meal.  So, after a dinner with all the trimmings, and another nap this afternoon, I opted for a 6 mile run this evening.  It was a little cool, about 33 degrees, but I wore running tights and a thermal running shirt.  And except for the first few minutes, I felt great.  It's surprising that once you get into the run, it doesn't feel cold at all, even though under normal circumstances, I would actually be quite chilly.  It was a beautiful, clear night anyhow, and it felt good to burn off some of the food from earlier in the day.  The experts say that the average Thanksgiving meal can be upwards of 3000 calories.  I honestly don't think I ate that much, as I maintained my same strategy of eating small, but multiple portions of my favorites.  But, the 750 calories burned during the run sure helped.

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